Equipment vibrations are never something desirable. While they cannot be eliminated, they can at least be reduced. There are many ways to accomplish this – including alignment disks and laser alignment of machines. But when should such alignment be performed? This is the job of vibration diagnostics – it diagnoses the extent of vibration in industrial equipment so you can accurately identify when you need to take preventive action.
Devices for vibration diagnosis
The main devices in this process are a vibration meter, a data collector and a vibration analyzer, but they are usually combined in a compatible portable device. They measure the vibrations generated by the machine being diagnosed and allow rapid intervention in the event of inadequate results. Such a vibrometer can also be used to detect and locate mechanical faults such as worn bearings, poor alignment of the machine or play between shafts. In this way, they improve the operation of the entire industrial process and prevent the entire production from coming to a standstill. In addition to the vibration meters, an appropriately adapted vibration sensor is needed, without which even the best vibrometer cannot do its job.
Sensors and accelerometers
Let’s start with a brief explanation of what a vibration sensor is. It is an industrial accelerometer that is used to measure the vibration level of a machine over a period of time. With its help, it is easy to determine the relevant standard and also comply with it in case of frequent measurements. Selecting a vibration sensor is not as simple as it may seem. It should not be the “first choice”. – Many factors must be considered in the selection process, including mounting, insulation, and type of sealing. You should also choose vibration sensors with different frequencies and sensitivity levels for different types of machines. When used in conjunction with a meter, it’s easy to keep an eye on the machines to make sure they’re operating as designed. It is worth noting that in some cases it is necessary to look for sensors that are protected against electrostatic discharge and against interference from radio waves.
We hope that this text has given you some insight into the process of vibration diagnostics. If you are interested in introducing vibration diagnostics in your plant, we invite you to read this article.